Backwards Planning, Chapter 4 Reflection
Throughout this chapter, a couple quotes popped up and really struck me while reading. When I got to the section about ‘big ideas’ and organizing strategies, I was a little lost; however, this quote really resonated with me and I was able to connect the dots with what the author was intending to convey. The sentence was as follows: “organizing strategies or principles that will help students make sense of the information they are learning” (p.67)
Question 2: How can you determine some common misconceptions that your students may have about a topic that you teach? How can you address these possible misunderstandings in your instruction?
I think proposing a new concept/topic with an inquiry project/assignment is the best way to identify and combat any misconceptions the students may have. This way, the students can express their misunderstandings and correct them with new and accurate information without judgment.
Question 3: How can you structure a culminating project so that it is authentic and so that your students are accountable for demonstrating that they have attained the goals of instruction? Does your grading accommodate this method of instruction?
I believe that the best way to tailor instruction is to get you know your students and their interests. By knowing your students, it is easier to make lessons more engaging and interesting. If your lessons are more engaging, the higher the chances that your students will want to learn and demonstrate their learning. A good culmination of their hard work should have a proper balance of structure and student creative freedom. This can be achieved by concise rubrics and clearly stated expectations for the class.
Finally, the end of this chapter mentioned something that a lot of people - even teachers - don’t realize: “knowing and doing are related but they are not the same things.” (p.80) This is so important to remember because our students deserve the best possible education, and this is an important aspect of it.
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